Off-Camera Flash Optical Sync
There are many ways to trigger an off-camera flash so lets start with the very basics. Getting the flash off your camera gives you much greater control of your light and far more freedom to be...
View ArticleHome Studio Self-Portrait
Today we are in my home studio shooting portraits. I chose this setup because not everyone has access to a studio and wanted to show you guys that you can get killer shots virtually anywhere. In this...
View ArticlePortfolio Reviews!
I’m always excited to check out new work and see what you guys are working on and now I want to see your portfolios! This means I want to see your website portfolio that you consider to be your best...
View ArticlePocketWizard PlusX
PocketWizard released their new affordable and simple to use PlusX! So easy to setup and compatible with all PocketWizard products. If some of you guys were considering getting radio triggers, it...
View ArticleChimera Octa Beauty
Lighting tools are essential to controlling your light source. I love lighting modifiers and with my strobes, I always seem to use an Octa Box as well as a beauty dish. With a studio strobe, you have...
View ArticleFeisol Tripod and Ballhead Unboxing
One of the most essential pieces of gear for every photographer is a tripod. There are so many different choices out there and many of these choices are based on what you shoot and where you shoot. I...
View ArticleBackup your Photos!
Backup. Everyone seems to stress about this. Lots of people say they’ll get around to it, but wait until it’s too late. Hard drives will fail. Yes, let me repeat, hard drives fail. It’s not a matter...
View ArticlePortfolio Review #001
I recieved so many portfolios from you guys and they keep coming! I’ve been really enjoying looking at your work and as much as I’d like to talk about EVERY portfolio, I can only get to a few. Please...
View ArticleIntro to Film Cameras
I love film and shooting film. I started shooting film as a kid and shot film thru college until I moved to digital. I still have my very first film camera, a Pentax ME-Super, however that camera...
View ArticleCreating black and white conversions in Lightroom
I love the look of black and white photography. I started with shooting black and white film. Tri-X mostly in the beginning. I came to see the world in that way with the gradations of tonal contrast...
View ArticleFuji X100s Review
As much as I loved my Fuji X100, the X100s is that much better and is quite possibly the best camera I own. Fast, responsive, amazing color, tack sharp, great handling, spectacular low-light...
View ArticleGreetings from Havana Cuba Part One
Visiting Cuba has been a lifelong dream and I’m so grateful I had the chance to fulfill that. I just got back from a week in Havana and I can say that it’s had a profound impact on me. Not just...
View ArticleRawtalk Episode #037 Huge Changes from Flickr and an Interview with Adam Lerner
Right Click Here and save as to download this weeks RAWtalk as an MP3. What a week it was for Flickr, they launch a totally redesigned site, they do away with pro accounts, give you 1TB of photo...
View ArticleGreetings from Havana Part Three
Keeping your gear simple and lightweight really allows you to explore the creative process while traveling. Sure it’s great to have your entire arsenal of gear available so you have options, but...
View ArticleFroKnowsPhoto Show Episode #001 – 3 Year Anniversary, Game Show and Casting...
Welcome to the FroKnowsPhoto Show, which we hope will become a regular monthly series. We specifically chose this month to premiere the show because it corresponds with the three year anniversary of...
View ArticleNikon D3s, Four Years Later
I’ve been a Nikon shooter for years. It’s not because Nikon is better than Canon or a subjectively biased motivation and at this point, I’d shoot just about anything and be happy. I consider myself...
View ArticleNatural Light Portrait, Fuji X-Pro 1
The Fuji X-Pro 1 is an odd beast. Odd in that it’s quirky. Quirky controls and menus. Quirky viewfinder and focus. However, it’s a beast. The files are freakin sweet. That 35mm f/1.4 lens is insanely...
View ArticleImporting Photos to Lightroom
I almost always copy the contents of my memory cards to my hard drive and then sync the imported files and folders with Lightroom. Lightroom can manage this process, however after a big shoot, I’m...
View ArticleLumoPro LP 180
Can you say fast, rugged, reliable and affordable! That’s just a quick summary for the new LumoPro LP 180 Quad-sync manual flash. Many of you already know, I’ve been a LumoPro LP 160 fanboy for some...
View ArticleLightroom 5 Export Presets
I’ve talked about exporting photos from Lightroom in the past, however in this video, I break it down in much more detail and show you guys how to create Export Presets. Export Presets are great for...
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